How to find Freelance Blogging Jobs

How to Really Find Freelance Writing and Blogging Jobs


When I tell people I blog for a living (and do freelance work), the number one question I always get is “how do you find those jobs.” Those jobs means jobs that pay a decent wage. Since I answer it a lot in person, I thought I’d talk about it here as well.


There is no magic formula to finding work except one: consistency. If you consistently do certain things (which I’ll talk about here) you will find work. It’s that simple. If you do it here and there, you’ll find work here and there. If you do it when you need work, you’ll have a harder time finding great jobs because you’ll grab for things that are lower paying just to pay bills. (And we’ve all been there.)

Here’s what I do on a regular basis:

Watch for News of Website Launches

Sometimes jobs aren’t advertised, but you can find out about them just by paying attention. Subscribe to places like Mashable and Media Bistro, and you’ll be alerted when new sites are launched. New sites generally need writers, so approach them. Find out if they are hiring and offer a sample of what you could do for them.

Contact Websites

If you see a website that you think you could add some expertise to, contact them. They can only say no, but you’d be surprised at how many times they might say yes. Carefully word your letter. Don’t say “Your website sucks and I could do so much better” but rather list your qualifications and give them an idea of what you could bring. Write up and sample post or two.

Job Boards

Yes, I still find gigs on the job boards. I don’t check as regularly as I used to, but I do find higher paying jobs. You have to be part sleuth to find the good ones, but they are there. Check the website before you apply to see if it sounds like a reasonable place to work. If someone is constantly advertising? It’s usually a red flag. Either they can’t keep writers on board or there is just a lot of growth. But check it out and see for yourself. Get all details in writing before you start.




Search “Write for Us” Pages

You’d be surprised what surfaces when you do this. Again, look through the site before you apply. Sometimes people will say “write for us” and they mean unpaid work. Obviously, if you’re looking for paid work, unpaid doesn’t work.

Get to Know Other Bloggers

Bloggers love to recommend each other and share the wealth. They are wonderful at telling others about jobs, even when they are kind of interested in applying themselves. That’s because blogging is one of those rare worlds where the more you support your fellow writer, the better it is for you in the long run.

These are all ways I’ve found (better paying) jobs. Do you have a tip? Share it below!

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